Beware: Areas of the Face That Show Age 1st August 23, 2017 - Face If you’re concerned that your birthday candles say one thing and your face says another, Dr. Joseph Shvidler explains what areas of the face you might want to look into rejuvenating to reverse some of the effects of aging. Dr. Joe can develop an aesthetic treatment program for you at the first evidence of wrinkles. While the aging process itself cannot be changed, facial treatments can reverse some of the consequences. by Joseph Shvidler, M.D. – Facial Plastic Surgeon I think the areas that start to show aging first are most often the mid-cheek area, usually the junction of the eyelid and the cheek. We start to see early sagging and prominence in the nasojugal fold. Definition of the lines along the mouth develops and eventually you start to see jowls forming on the lower face as the skin slackens. Those are the earliest problem areas of the face that I usually see. Recent Blog Posts Can Your Nose Collapse After Rhinoplasty What Are The Side Effects of Rhinoplasty What Causes a Bulbous Tip? How Long Does a Nose Job Last Rhinoplasty Surgery in Puget Sound WA Categories Cancer Eyes Face Fillers & Fat Men Neck Non-Surgical Nose rhinoplasty Skin