May Is Skin Cancer Awareness Month April 10, 2018 - Cancer Living in the Northwest may sometimes give us a false sense of security about sun exposure because of the short winter days and many months of overcast skies. Once the summer starts, we want to catch up for so much lost sunshine so we tend to soak in those long summer days. This can lead to overexposing our skin to harmful UV radiation in our short-lived summer. More than 87 percent of facial plastic surgeons see patients for reconstructive work related to skin cancer on the face and neck region, according to statistics from the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The nose was the most common site of the face for skin cancer facial reconstruction followed by cheeks, ears, and forehead. Dr Shvidler specializes in skin cancer reconstruction in addition to performing aesthetic facial surgery. “As facial plastic surgeons, we can help evaluate lesions, worrisome spots on the face and neck region and determine whether further treatment, possibly including a biopsy, is needed.” “We can also provide advice about proper skincare. In addition to increasing skin cancer risk, sun exposure can cause early aging of skin, brown spots and wrinkles to appear prematurely.” Having a good sunscreen on hand and using it on a daily basis during the summer months can reduce those risks. Regular skin checks should be performed on yourself with help of your significant other or at your doctors visit. Recent Blog Posts Can Your Nose Collapse After Rhinoplasty What Are The Side Effects of Rhinoplasty What Causes a Bulbous Tip? How Long Does a Nose Job Last Rhinoplasty Surgery in Puget Sound WA Categories Cancer Eyes Face Fillers & Fat Men Neck Non-Surgical Nose rhinoplasty Skin